viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

2023: Happy new year! (sort of) and small updates

It's too late to say "Happy New Year", but considering this is my first post of the year over here... well, Happy New Year!

After a stressful move and very difficult December and months to establish myself in my new home, I started working on an updated edition for The Bond of The Millennium. Expect new chapters, one dealing with how Casino Royale with Pierce Brosnan would have been, a restructuring of the original book with new information I have added and analyzed, and a couple of photos in color.

Hope to write some words on Pierce's 70th as well before the book is done and finished (on the revisions phase now, seeing what else I can add), but in the meantime almost my full focus is in there, and I really hope you'll like it.



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